Aluminum And Nitrogen

Aluminum And Nitrogen

Aluminum And Nitrogen

Aluminum And Nitrogen

Aluminum And Nitrogen is very important in the process of degassing aluminum.
What is the basic principle of nitrogen gas rotary blowing and degassing of aluminum alloy liquid?
Nitrogen gas is ejected from the graphite nozzle of the rotary degasser and floats up in the aluminum liquid.
The hydrogen partial pressure in the nitrogen bubble just emerging from the graphite nozzle is 0. When the nitrogen floats, the hydrogen diffuses from the aluminum liquid into the nitrogen bubble under the driving force of the hydrogen pressure difference.
This process is stopped until the hydrogen partial pressure in the nitrogen gas bubbles and the hydrogen partial pressure in the aluminum liquid are balanced, and then the nitrogen gas is lifted up to the surface with hydrogen gas to remove the gas.

The online aluminum liquid purification device has always been the subject of research on aluminum alloy casting and rolling, and the purity of the nitrogen used for refining in the purification device is a key factor that directly affects the purification effect.

Aluminum And Nitrogen Relationship is important for Aluminium Foundry.
AdTech refined the volume of nitrogen bubbles by improving the rotating nozzle in the process of purifying nitrogen purification, and increased the contact area between nitrogen and aluminum, thereby improving the effect of degassing and slag removal, and achieving the purpose of aluminum purification. Improve the quality of the product.

Aluminum And Nitrogen

Switch off the heating unit after degassing box heating completed. Guide inert gas into rotor and release molten aluminum into the box when the heater temperature is closed to molten aluminum temperature.
Check the sealing between inlet/outlet and launder.
Check the cone located in heat protection draining in the bottom.
Check the molten aluminum temperature (min 720°C). Make the height of molten aluminum which be away from launder bottom at 3cm for observing the molten aluminum going into the box.
Operator shall wear protection clothes to close the cover. The slag on surface can be skimmed through the deslagging outlet when the molten aluminum flows into the box.
Start production when temperature up to 780°C. Close deslagging outlet for heating preservation.
Molten aluminum can be retained in the box with setting temperature during the heat preservation phase but with no molten aluminum handling.
Guide inert gases into the rotor to prevent air outlet blocking by molten aluminum.
Switch on the heater as soon as molten aluminum flow into the box completed and set heat preservation parameters.
Starting the heating system, control the temperature of the molten aluminum, monitor the gas flow rate, the speed of the rotor is changed from the heat preservation stage to the processing stage. At the same time, the inert gas flow into the rotor increases and the gas flow rate is changed from the preservation stage to the processing stage.
Operator sets molten aluminum heating temperature, maintain a stable degassing working condition.

Aluminum And Nitrogen

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